
Where Can I Buy It?

How Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Seed Works
First Time Use of Squirrel Proof Bird Seed
"Treat Your Own" Seed Saver
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Further Reading:

·  Understanding the Technology
·  About Chili Treat
·  Safe, Natural Product
·  Does it Harm Squirrels?
·  Aversive Taste Conditioning
·  Cornell University Study

Safe, Natural Product

Squirrel Proof products contain only natural, food grade seeds and chili peppers. However, chili peppers taste hot to mammals (squirrels, rabbits, mice, deer, people, etc.) and are also a temporary irritant. This is the main reason why we recommend not allowing children to handle this product. No permanent physical damage will result even if you get pepper directly in your eyes, or on your skin. 

If one uses care when handling our products, no discomfort should result. We do recommend rubber gloves be worn and that you always position yourself upwind when filling your feeder or mixing with our Seed Saver products. You should always wash your hands and gloves after handling Squirrel Proof products. Always fill your feeder below eye level. 

If you happen to experience a burning sensation after coming in contact with chili peppers, the effects are temporary. Even if you do nothing, the sensations will go away, usually in 15 to 30 minutes. Washing immediately with soap and water will speed up your recovery. Adding no tears baby shampoo to water used to flush your eyes can also be helpful. If problems persist, you should call your physician. 

Chili Treat technology is designed to utilize Mother Nature's approach to discouraging small mammals from eating. The main use for the ingredients of Chili Treat is still as a flavor enhancer used in everyday cooking. There are no synthetic or toxic chemicals used. All ingredients are food grade.

Feel free to contact us should you have any additional questions.

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